Rheumatoid Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis or RA is an autoimmune disorder that causes chronic inflammation in the small joints in your hands and feet. RA affects the lining
of the joints causing painful swelling that can eventually cause bone erosion and joint deformity.
Common Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis Include:
Tender, Warm, Swollen Joints Morning Stiffness
Fatigue, Fever, Weight Loss Cycles of Flares and Remission
Firm Bumps Under Arms (Rheumatoid Nodules)
Early RA Affects Hands And Feet First, Later Spreading To Knees, Ankles, Elbows, Hips And Shoulders.
Rheumatoid Arthritis occurs when your immune system attacks the lining of the joint causing it to become inflamed and thickened. This thickening can
eventually destroy the cartilage and bone found within the affected joint. The tendons and ligaments of that affects joint become weak leading to the
joint losing its shape and alignment. This is often seen in the tell-tale shape of fingers and toes.
Common Risk Factors of Rheumatoid Arthritis Include:
Gender - Women are more likely to have RA than men.
Age - RA is most commonly diagnosed in the range of 40-50 years old.
Family History - If there is RA in your family, there is an increased risk.
If left untreated RA can lead to:
Heart Problems
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Lung Disease
How We Can Help!
Diet & Supplements
Massage Therapy
Physical Medicine
The therapies our clinic provides have been proven to provide relief for many patients suffering from autoimmune disorders. Our team works to not
only provide pain relief, but to help get your body to feeling its best. The combination of therapies provided by your doctor will be specifically designed
to tailor your body. Call us today to begin your journey toward better health! (815) 397-8500